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Каталог: Наука, образование »•» Литературоведение

Bickham, Jack: Setting (Elements of Fiction Writing)


Bickham, Jack

Setting (Elements of Fiction Writing)

Издательство: Writers Digest Books
Переплет: твердый; 176 страниц; 1999 г.
ISBN: 978-0-89879-948-4; Формат: стандартный
Язык: русский
На сайте с 13.05.2021


Even if you have great characters, outstanding dialogue and a gripping plot, your story isn't complete without the appropriate setting. Setting is the unifying element in most fiction, working in concert with plot, characterization and point of view. Here you'll explore how to use setting as the basis for creating dramatic, engaging stories. Focusing on detail, language and observation, Jack Bickham's invaluable instruction will not only improve your ability to create a strong setting, but also enhance your writing skills as a whole. You'll learn:

- the function of setting within the fiction writing process
- how setting works with plot, characterization and point of view
- the effect of setting on unity
- ways to generate story ideas through setting
- techniques for creating setting
- how to use setting as a thematic device
- methods for using setting to stimulate your reader's senses
- how to incorporate factual information for texture and authenticity
- exercises for improving your powers of observation
- tips for recording ideas, events and descriptions using notebook entries

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