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Melton, Paul: Going Global with Equities: Profit from the World's Equity Bargains


Melton, Paul

Going Global with Equities: Profit from the World's Equity Bargains

Издательство: Financial Times
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 372 страниц; 1996 г.
ISBN: 978-0-273-61973-4; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 13.05.2021


"Unifies the investment thinking of the 20th century ... Paul Melton brilliantly integrates the work of several recent Nobel Prize winners to create a practical guide to steady investment profits." - Gottfried Heller, Fund Manager, FIDUKA Portfolio Management Gives you a proven way to get the highest return for the lowest level of risk by going global. It slices through technical jargon and gives you an oracle of global investment theory, techniques and advice. Author : Paul Melton writes The Outside Analyst, the only monthly newsletter that compares stocks globally. He specializes in ferreting out the world's bargain equities. In his varied career he has been a popular speaker at seminars worldwide and been quoted in, amongst others, Forbes and La Vie Francaise .

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