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Bell, Mark: Build a Website for Free


Bell, Mark

Build a Website for Free

Издательство: Q u e; Издание 2-е
Переплет: мягкий; 352 страниц; 2011 г.
ISBN: 0-7897-4718-9; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 25.08.2015


You need a website. But you don't need the hassles that usually go with building one or the expense of hiring someone else to do it. Here's your solution: Build a Website for Free! You'll learn how you can use new Web 2.0 technologies to create a site that's impressive and effective. And here's the best part: You'll do it all with software and tools that won't cost you a dime!

Plan, organize, and design a site that really works, using tools you can find for free
Discover the simple secrets of writing pages people want to read
Adapt your site for easy viewing on mobile devices
Use video on your site--and get someone else to pay for hosting it
Add an easy-to-update blog and start building your own web community
Quickly and easily handle "nuts and bolts" tasks, from getting your site name to uploading your content
Get your site picked up by Google, Yahoo!, and other search engines

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