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[автора нет]: The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Portuguese and English Dictionary


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The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Portuguese and English Dictionary

Издательство: Oxford University Press
Переплет: ламинированный мягкий; 954 страниц; 1992 г.
ISBN: 0-19-864182-6; Формат: стандартный
Язык: русский
На сайте с 05.05.2016


The well-known Duden Bildworterbuch here appears in a bilingual version with Portuguese and English vocabulary printed on the same page. The words are listed not in alphabetical order but by groups relating to a particular subject or field of activity illustrated on the same or opposite page. The words are linked by numbers to the illustrations, thereby enabling the user to check the meaning of any Portuguese or English word against its pictorial representation.
Some 28,000 objects are defined in this way. The subjects covered include typical situations in domestic and everyday life, recreation and sport, flora and fauna, industry, the arts, and technology. Care has been taken to record differences both between British and American English and between European and Brazilian Portuguese. In addition, there are full alphabetical indexes of English and Portuguese words which enable the reader to find the relevant illustration.
This will be an invaluable supplement to any Portuguese-English or English-Portuguese dictionary and will be useful not only to students, but also to a wide range of businessmen and translators who work with Portuguese commercial concerns.

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