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[автора нет]: The Luther Bible of 1534


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The Luther Bible of 1534

В 3 томах

Серия: Научная факсимильная публикация

Издательство: Taschen
Переплет: твердый; 1904 страниц; 2016 г.
ISBN: 978-3-8365-3830-5; Формат: энциклопедический
Язык: английский
На сайте с 29.11.2016


Martin Luthers Bible, first printed in 1534, was not only a milestone for the printing press, but also a momentous event in world history. A UNESCO world heritage masterpiece, Luthers translation from Hebrew and ancient Greek into German made the Bible accessible to laypeople for the first time and gave printed reference to a whole new branch of Christian faith Protestantism.In this meticulous two-volume reprint, TASCHEN presents both the Old and New Testaments of Luther s landmark publication. Based on a precious copy of the original and printed in color, it reveals the multilayered splendor of this bible, showcasing the meticulous script, elaborate initials, and exquisite color woodcuts from the workshop of Lucas Cranach.Stephan Fussel, director of the Institute for Book Sciences at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, adds his expertise to the publication with detailed descriptions of the illustrations, as well as an introduction exploring Luther s life and the seismic significance of his bible.

Два факсимильных тома, сопроводительный научный аппарат в отдельном переплете и футляр.

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