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Marieb, Elaine: Human Anatomy & Physiology


Marieb, Elaine

Human Anatomy & Physiology

Издательство: Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company; Издание 5-е
Переплет: твердый; 1260 страниц; 2001 г.
ISBN: 0-8053-4989-8; Формат: энциклопедический
Язык: английский
На сайте с 24.05.2017


From the Back Cover
Elaine Marieb's engaging writing style and meticulous attention to the learning needs of readers continue to be hallmarks of this market-leading book. The author not only reports the latest research and advancements in the field, she does so with a sense of fascination and encouragement. Every chapter has been scrutinized with the goal of helping readers understand core concepts and apply their knowledge to new situations. In addition, the book and supplements package offers a convenient, integrated learning system. For example, new end-of-chapter "Learning with Technology" sections make using CD-ROM and Internet resources easier than ever. For college instructors and students.

About the Author
For Elaine N. Marieb, forging a relationship between her students and the anatomy and physiology concepts that will form the basis of their careers has always been a priority. Having gone back to school to get her R.N. degree and an M.S. in gerontological nursing when she was already a college teacher, she is uniquely able to understand the needs of both instructors and students. Elaine is Professor Emeritus of biology at Holyoke Community College, Holyoke, Massachusetts, where she taught anatomy and physiology for 25 years. She has also relocated to Naples, Florida, where she is now Visiting Professor at Edison Community College in nearby Fort Myers, Florida. She keeps in touch with many of her former students, whose experiences in allied health careers provide insights into the changing needs of A&P students.

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