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Wright, Janet: Top 100 Health Tips: 100 Foods to Make You Look and Feel Radiant with Health


Wright, Janet

Top 100 Health Tips: 100 Foods to Make You Look and Feel Radiant with Health

Издательство: London: Duncan Baird Publishers
Переплет: мягкий; 128 страниц; 2008 г.
ISBN: 978-1-84483-505-8; Формат: уменьшенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 01.02.2018


Do you often feel tired and stressed-out? Do you catch infections easily or suffer from common ailments such as asthma or high blood pressure? Do you wish getting fit wasn't such an effort? Are there health problems in your family you want to avoid? If you're looking for easy, effective solutions, "The Top 100 Health Tips" is the answer. Packed full of 100 foods, drinks, herbs and spices, this book reveals the secrets of looking and feeling radiant with health.Janet Wright shows how to choose the right foods to boost your immune system and energy levels, relieve stress and depression, detox your body and lose weight, fight the effects of ageing and combat disease. Cranberries, for example, are a powerhouse of flavonoids which can defend against infections, turmeric in your curry can protect against cancer, onions can counteract respiratory problems, and walnuts can aid a blissful night's sleep. If you want easy, effective ways to optimize your health and well-being, it's all here, along with the low-down on nutrients and mouthwatering recipes you can make in minutes.

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