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Бюргер, Г.А.: Приключения барона Мюнхгаузена/Munchhausens Reisen und Abenteuer 
состояние: как новое 950 руб
Бюргер, Г.А.
Приключения барона Мюнхгаузена/Munchhausens Reisen und Abenteuer
1979 г.; Изд-во: М.: Прогресс
Предлагаемая читателю книга содержит классический немецкий текст "Приключений барона Мюнхгаузена", ставший почти хрестоматийным. Наиболее сложные в языковом отношении места текста, а также реалии и иноязычные элементы прокомментированы. В конце книги, ...

[автора нет]: Fairy Tales by American Writers/Американская литературная сказка: Сборник 
состояние: новое 1000 руб
[автора нет]
Fairy Tales by American Writers/Американская литературная сказка: Сборник
1990 г.; Изд-во: М.: Raduga
Книга на английском языке. Предисловие составителя об авторах на русском языке. Составление и предисловие Т. Венедиктовой. Художник Ю. Сковородников. Цветные иллюстрации. В сборник вошли авторские сказки четырех американских писателей 20 века: Л. Фр....

Fletcher, Tony: A Light That Never Goes Out. The Enduring Saga Of The Smiths 
состояние: новое 3550 руб
Fletcher, Tony
A Light That Never Goes Out. The Enduring Saga Of The Smiths
2012 г.; Изд-во: UK: William Heinemann

Randall, Lucian: Noel Gallagher. The Biography 
состояние: как новое 2550 руб
Randall, Lucian
Noel Gallagher. The Biography
2012-2013 г.; Изд-во: John Blake Publishing
A look at the musician who is as well-known for his singer-songwriting talent as he is for his controversial, outspoken statements and his tempestuous relationships With the renowned Britpop band Oasis at the forefront of the Britpop movement in the 1...

Rogan, Johnny: Morrissey & Marr: The Severed Alliance. The Definitive Story Of The Smiths 
состояние: как новое 3950 руб
Rogan, Johnny
Morrissey & Marr: The Severed Alliance. The Definitive Story Of The Smiths
1992-1993 г.; Изд-во: Omnibus Press

Balls, Richard: Sex & Drugs & Rock'N'Roll: The Life Of Ian Dury 
состояние: как новое 2250 руб
Balls, Richard
Sex & Drugs & Rock'N'Roll: The Life Of Ian Dury
2001 г.; Изд-во: UK: Omnibus Press
Here is the complete, no-holds-barred biography of the late, great self-made Essex lad himself! The abrasive Dury always met life head on, in his relationships and in his music, and this acclaimed biography does not shrink from chronicling some his ...

Burgess, Tim: Telling Stories 
состояние: как новое 6550 руб
Burgess, Tim
Telling Stories
2012 г.; Изд-во: UK: Penguin Global
Telling Stories by Tim Burgess of The Charlatans is one of the decade's most revealing rock books 'Clear, honest. An unusually frank and well-written rock memoir' The Times The Charlatans. Madchester. Britpop. Taking on the world. Here are the highs, t...

Richard, Cliff; Gittins, Ian: The Dreamer. An Autobiography 
состояние: новое 2250 руб
Richard, Cliff; Gittins, Ian
The Dreamer. An Autobiography
2021 г.; Изд-во: UK: Ebury Press
Cliff Richard tells his story, in his own words, in his highly anticipated new autobiography. Achieving a hit in every decade since the 1950s, Cliff Richard stands alone in pop history. Coming of age in 1950s London, he began his music career at Soho'...

Rees, Paul: Robert Plant. A Life 
состояние: новое 1850 руб
Rees, Paul
Robert Plant. A Life
2014 г.; Изд-во: UK: HarperCollins
Robert Plant is one of the few genuine living rock legends. Frontman of Led Zeppelin, musical innovator and seller of millions of records, Plant has had a profound influence on music for over four decades. But the full account of his life has barely b...

Turner, Tina; Davis, Deborah; Wichmann, Dominik: Tina Turner. My Love Story. The Autobiography 
состояние: новое 2550 руб
Turner, Tina; Davis, Deborah; Wichmann, Dominik
Tina Turner. My Love Story. The Autobiography
2019 г.; Изд-во: UK: Penguin
Love's got everything to do with it. Fine Turner is the Queen of Rock 'n' Roll, a musical icon celebrating her 60th year in the industry. In this dramatic autobiography, she tells the story of a truly remarkable life in the spotlight. From her earl...

Stewart, Rod: Rod. The Autobiography 
состояние: новое 2750 руб
Stewart, Rod
Rod. The Autobiography
2013 г.; Изд-во: UK: Arrow Books
Rod Stewart was born the working-class son of a Scottish plumber in North London. Despite some early close shaves with a number of diverse career paths, ranging from gravedigging to professional football, it was music that truly captured his heart - an...

Mccarroll, Tony: Oasis The Truth: My Life as Oasis's Drummer 
состояние: новое 1750 руб
Mccarroll, Tony
Oasis The Truth: My Life as Oasis's Drummer
2012 г.; Изд-во: UK: John Blake Publishing
In 1991, five wannabe Mancunian musicians came together and cracked a spark that was to ignite the explosion which became Oasis. The band went from obscurity to become a global phenomenon in the space of a year, achieving world-wide recognition and sel...

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