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Heidegger, Martin: Sein und Zeit 
состояние: как новое 890 руб
Heidegger, Martin
Sein und Zeit
2006 г.; Изд-во: Tubingen, Max Neimeyer Verlag

Crim, T.L.: How to Plant False Memories In Your Own Mind 
состояние: как новое 100000 руб
Crim, T.L.
How to Plant False Memories In Your Own Mind
2012 г.; Изд-во: Solar-Vision Publishing
The book that ALMOST never got published. Certainly one of the most controversial books on the mind ever, this book takes the hidden, secret, and even denied "mind control" secrets one step further and puts the technology in the hands of the individual...

Neuman, R.E.: Maximum Autosuggestion 
состояние: как новое 25000 руб
Neuman, R.E.
Maximum Autosuggestion
2010 г.; Изд-во: Solar-Vision Publishing
The entire experience of your life is represented and happens in THOUGHT. You cannot experience the past, except through THOUGHT. You cannot experience the future except through THOUGHT. And you are experiencing the now through your judgements and eval...

Wundt, Wilhelm: Vorlesungen uber die Menschen- und Thierseele / Лекции о психологии человека и животных 
состояние: отличное 1200 руб
Wundt, Wilhelm
Vorlesungen uber die Menschen- und Thierseele / Лекции о психологии человека и животных. В 2 томах
1863 г.; Изд-во: Leipzig: Leopold Voss
Фундаментальный труд одного из отцов современной психологии Вильгельма Вундта (1832-1920). Первое издание. В полукожаных переплетах (крышки - коленкор с тиснением). Шрифт готический. Изредка - иллюстрации.

Swami, Rama; Swami, Ajaya: Creative Use of Emotion 
состояние: отличное 850 руб
Swami, Rama; Swami, Ajaya
Creative Use of Emotion
1976 г.; Изд-во: Pennsylvania: Himalayan Institute Press
A master of yoga collaborates with an American-trained psychologist in presenting this practical, holistic perspective on the role of emotions in the development of consciousness. They explain how we can all expand our consciousness from a state of con...

Nancy, Mcwilliams: Psychoanalitic Case Formulation 
состояние: новое 700 руб
Nancy, Mcwilliams
Psychoanalitic Case Formulation
1999 г.; Изд-во: The Guilford Press
"Books by Nancy McWilliams used in unison make the best psychodynamic resources I have yet encountered in more than 60 years in the field."--Robert C. Lane, PhD, Department of Psychology, Nova Southeastern University "This beautifully written, uniqu...

состояние: отличное 1200 руб
Lynch, David
Catching the Big Fish
2007 г.; Изд-во: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin
When it first appeared in 2006, David Lynch's Catching the Big Fish was celebrated for being "as close as Lynch will ever come to an interior shot of his famously weird mind" (Rocky Mountain News) Now for the bestseller's 10th anniversary, Lynch dives ...

состояние: новое 1500 руб
Weinrib, Estelle L.
Images of the Self: The Sandplay Therapy Process
Серия: The Sandplay Classics series
2004 г.; Изд-во: Temenos Press
Out of print for nearly 20 years, Images of the Self has remained a foundational text on Jungian personality theory in sandplay therapy. In this classic work, Weinrib shares her understanding of how sandplay works to heal and transform the psyche. T...

состояние: новое 1500 руб
Ammann, Ruth
Healing and Transformation in Sandplay: Creative Processes Become Visible
Серия: Reality of the Psyche Series
1998 г.; Изд-во: Open Court
Sandplay is a powerful method of psychotherapy, based on practical, creative modelling - literally a "hands-on" approach to healing the whole person. Sandplay has both diagnostic and therapeutic value, and is efficacious for adults and children. Since ...

Kalff, Dora M.: Sandplay: A Psychotherapeutic Approach to the Psyche 
состояние: новое 1500 руб
Kalff, Dora M.
Sandplay: A Psychotherapeutic Approach to the Psyche
Серия: The Sandplay Classics series
2004 г.; Изд-во: Temenos Press
This seminal text by the founder of sandplay therapy offers clinicians and students a foundational account of the workings and practice of this therapy. Through simple but elegant narratives of actual casework, Kalff articulates her theoretical underst...

состояние: новое 1500 руб
Jung, C.G.; Stein, Murray
Jung on Christianity
Серия: Encountering Jung
1999 г.; Изд-во: Princeton University Press
C. G. Jung, son of a Swiss Reformed pastor, used his Christian background throughout his career to illuminate the psychological roots of all religions. Jung believed religion was a profound, psychological response to the unknown--both the inner self an...

[автора нет]: Heads Up Psychology 
состояние: как новое 1000 руб
[автора нет]
Heads Up Psychology
2014 г.; Изд-во: Dorling Kindersly
School, friends, family, relationships: life's full of big questions, but HEADS UP PSYCHOLOGY has got you covered. Everything around us is influenced by psychology - from parties to politics, and from your favourite relative to your least-favourite cel...

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