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Attenborough, David: Zoo quest to Madagascar


Attenborough, David

Zoo quest to Madagascar

Издательство: London: PAN BOOKS LTD
Переплет: мягкий; 144 страниц; 1961 г.
ISBN: [не указан]; Формат: уменьшенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 26.03.2022


Sir David Attenborough is Britain's best-known natural history film-maker. His career as a naturalist and broadcaster has spanned nearly five decades and there are very few places on the globe that he has not visited.

Sir David's first job - after Cambridge University and two years in the Royal Navy - was at the London publishing house Hodder & Stoughton. Then in 1952 he joined the BBC as a trainee producer and it was while working on the Zoo Quest series (1954-64) that he had his first opportunity to undertake expeditions to remote parts of the globe to capture intimate footage of rare wildlife in its natural habitat.

He was Controller of BBC2 (1965-68), during which time he introduced colour television to Britain, then Director of Programmes for the BBC (1969-1972). However in 1973 he abandoned administration altogether to return to documentary-making and writing.

Over the last 25 years he has established himself as the world's leading natural history programme maker with several landmark BBC series, including Life on Earth (1979), The Living Planet (1984), The Trials of Life (1990), The Private Life of Plants (1995), Life of Birds (1998), Life of Mammals (2002) and Life in the Undergrowth (2005). Sir David is a Trustee of the British Museum and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; an Honorary Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge; a Fellow of the Royal Society and was knighted in 1985.

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Состояние: индикатор состояния хорошее; В продаже с 26.03.2022
Комментарий: Печать библиотеки.

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Способы доставки: самовывоз; почтой по предоплате

Способы оплаты: наличными; банковской картой

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