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Каталог: Мистика, эзотерика, непознанное »•» Оккультизм, магия, колдовство

A.N.715: Nachash Nakah. A Sorcerous Treatise of the Drakonian Adversary



Nachash Nakah. A Sorcerous Treatise of the Drakonian Adversary

Издательство: Fall of Man
Переплет: кожаный; 264 страниц; 2019 г.
ISBN: 5-00-014092-3; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 17.03.2024


Указанный ISBN условный, так как оригинальное издание его НЕ имеет.

Specifications: Octavo format (A5), 264 pages. Fully illustrated in color. Bound in black snakeskin and goatskin (book), goatskin (box). 120 g. paper, 200 g. end-papers. Hand-sewn black spine with ribbon bookmark.

Nachash Nakah's 264 pages are embellished with several full-page illustrations, as well as many detailed sigils, all illustrated and created by the author himself. The book is printed in full color.

Only 72 copies of this talismanic work are being released, with a ¾ binding of black snakeskin and goatskin. Each copy is presented in a protective hard box, bound in black goatskin as well and embossed in gold foil with the Enneagram on the front. The book itself is embossed in gold with the Triskaidecagon on the cover, with gilded pages and hand-sewn spine. As it's the norm with all Fall of Man titles, every copy is being crafted by hand.

Nachash Nakah presents to the earnest Seekers and those Chosen under the Royal Lineage of the Great Dragon, the Gate from which the many Sealed Locks and strewn Keys upon the Crossroads of Communion may be accessed to in turn revivify through Atavistic Resurgence, the very Heart of Fire bearing the Saurian Sight to traverse the Sinuous Stride of the Nachashel. A journey of which is witnessed through the Ordained Seventy-Two via that passage of this fragmentation of the Tablet, being the fractured Enchiridion of Ophiolatreia; a Gift of the Serpent God unto its Kin and Kith to enflame the Raging Pyres dwelling Within so that they may come to further spread and in turn incinerate the world Without.

Through Nachash Nakah, the Codifications of Consanguinity have herein been respectfully unveiled and disclosed to the public through Its first emanation, cast from the Maw that Commands within its employed sorcerous system of Gnostic Theurgy rooted within the foundations of Traditional Diabolism and Klipotic Ophiolatry, henceforth unifying the multicultural forms of analysis via the Crowning Essence that transcends the limiting parameters of linearly defined Forms. What becomes reveal is instead rooted within the Disputing Impulse of Or She-Ein bo Mahshavah that Eclipses it's Thoughtful antipole. Herein presents the Quintessence of Adverse Nature that has been Called and Sealed via Death and the Black Work that hath marked the Pentalphic Stations of the roused Pylon of Sinuous Sedition.

Via the Blade, which is the very Tongue of the Serpent are the revelations concerning the many falsehoods within this putrefying Crown of Creation revealed for its Kin and Kith to behold, allowing in turn the Will and Sight to once again be aligned with the dictations of the Highest Head, leading, living and enduring within the Sanctity of Spirit towards Perditions Covenant that shall come to shatter the Spine of the Lamb and reduce HaShems Colonnades of Clay into its most befitting ash.

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Продавец: BOOKLORD отлично, от 10 до 99 оценок (Москва, RU/77 флаг)  
Состояние: индикатор состояния отличное; В продаже с 17.03.2024
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