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Каталог: Мистика, эзотерика, непознанное »•» Оккультизм, магия, колдовство

Wightman, Matthew: Lyrics of Lilith, Songs of Samael: The Serpent Siddur of the Nachash El Acher


Wightman, Matthew

Lyrics of Lilith, Songs of Samael: The Serpent Siddur of the Nachash El Acher

В 2 томах

Издательство: Aeon Sophia Press
Переплет: твердый; 246 страниц; 2014 г.
ISBN: 978-5-325-69879-9; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 29.09.2018


Lyrics of Lilith, Songs of Samael: The Serpent Siddur of the Nachash El Acher is a devotional work dedicated to the anti-cosmic Current 61; the Current of Ain as Impossibility and of the embodiment of the desire for Impossibility: the Nachash El Acher, Samaelilith. It represents the Wisdom of the Serpentborn, the Children of Enoch, led by our Master Qayin. It establishes a daily routine of prayers to be read and reflected upon in order to stimulate the reception of Serpentine Gnosis.
Included are instructions for creating and using ritual implements: such as the Skin of the Serpent Prayer Shawl, Serpentine Phylacteries and Rosary, and Klifotic Ketoret, each a potent tool connecting one to the Work of the Nachash El Acher.
Having been Commissioned by and with the Blessings of Beelzebub before the Tower Nihilifer, the work guides the practitioner through Morning, Afternoon, and Evening prayers, which both praise our Other God and Curse the Demiurge, as well as contains devotionals for before and after meals and Sacred occasions. It also contains invocations/prayers to the Klifotic Elohim, and offers a discussion of Holidays and Festivals within the Current of the Nachash.
The work is prefaced by a theological exploration of the Nachash El Acher and the Atzmutic reality that the Nachash resists. Additionally, the work contains a second compendium volume, providing the reader with all seven of my published essays as well as an interview with Johan of Aeon Sophia Press that delves deeper into my thought and the praxis of the Current.
- Preface Introduction
- A (Un)Theological Foundation
- Evening Meditations:
- Donning the Serpent's Skin (Serpentine Prayer Shawl)
- The Serpentine Phylacteries
- Performing the Serpentine Rosary
- Curses and Blessings
- The Serpent's Sermon
- Hymn to Qayin
- Song of the Day
- The Thirteen Principles
- Prayer for Prosperity
- After Prayers
- Meditations Before Retiring to Rest at Night
- Morning Meditations
- Afternoon Meditations
- Prayers and Invocations to the Klifotic Elohim
- Sacred Time and Space
- Festivals and Holidays
- Meditations for Festivals and Holidays
- Before and After a Meal
- Klifotic Ketoret
- Closing Prayer
- Published Articles:
In the Beginning there was the End: A Klifotic Theology
In the End there was the Beginning: A Klifotic Theology
Consuming the Fruit of Unlife: An Anti-Cosmic Perspective on the Golden Eitr
The Serpent's Servants: Disciples of Ain
The Nailed God: A Klifotic Christology
Rite of the Seduction of the Virgin
The Red Path: The Theomachy of the Children of Adam(mu)
Interview with Aeon Sophia Press.

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