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    12  на последнюю страницу

Delle Donne, Giovanni: Atene al tempo di Socrate. La vita pubblica e privata del cittadino ateniese 
состояние: новое 1200 руб
Delle Donne, Giovanni
Atene al tempo di Socrate. La vita pubblica e privata del cittadino ateniese
2013 г.; Изд-во: Padova: Webster Press
Lo straordinario sviluppo della civiltà classica greca fu stimolato dall'ambiente geopolitico che favorì la vita all'aria aperta, il libero dibattito delle idee fra i cittadini e la dialettica, la razionale curiosità di conoscere, un ape...

Delle Donne, Giovanni: Garibaldi. L'uomo e il condottiero 
состояние: отличное 1200 руб
Delle Donne, Giovanni
Garibaldi. L'uomo e il condottiero
2012 г.; Изд-во: Padova: Webster Press
Giuseppe Garibaldi occupa un posto di primo piano fra i grandi uomini del XIX secolo, anche se nella sua figura si sono spesso sovrapposti realtà e mito, tanto da rendere difficile, a volte, l'elaborazione di un giudizio storico documentato ed ese...

Delle Donne, Giovanni: Lorenzo il Magnifico e il suo tempo 
состояние: отличное 1200 руб
Delle Donne, Giovanni
Lorenzo il Magnifico e il suo tempo
2003 г.; Изд-во: Roma: Armando Editore
Il Quattrocento è stato un periodo di grande splendore per l'Italia, che primeggiava in Europa per le arti e le lettere e per la ricchezza e l'abilità dei suoi banchieri e dei suoi mercanti. Firenze, una delle città protagoniste di quel ...

Scheven, J.: Mega-Sukzessionen und Klimax im Tertiar. Katastrophen zwischen Sintflut und Eiszeit 
состояние: отличное 490 руб
Scheven, J.
Mega-Sukzessionen und Klimax im Tertiar. Katastrophen zwischen Sintflut und Eiszeit
Серия: Wort und Wissen
1988 г.; Изд-во: Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hanssler-Verlag
Сторонники эволюционной теории ссылаются на окаменелости как на одно из своих основных доказательств. Например, Дж. Иллиес в своей книге "Ошибка века", посвященной эволюции, оставил окаменелости в качестве единственного доказательства эволюции. Шевен, ...

Shah-Kazemi: The Spirit of Tolerance in Islam 
состояние: новое 970 руб
The Spirit of Tolerance in Islam
2012 г.; Изд-во: LONDON - NEW YORK: I.B. Tauris Publishers
The reverse cover of this monograph states that ‘[t]hrough compelling historical illustration and careful theological exposition, [it] mounts a concise but irrefutable argument that the Islamic faith is inherently and emphatically tolerant by nature an...

Shafiq, M.; Abu-Nimer, M.: Interfaith Dialogue: A Guide for Muslims 
состояние: отличное 1350 руб
Shafiq, M.; Abu-Nimer, M.
Interfaith Dialogue: A Guide for Muslims
2011 г.; Изд-во: London ; Washington: International Institute of Islamic Thought
Islam recognizes a plurality of religions and asks Muslims to respect other religions. The primary role of interfaith dialogue is to remove misunderstanding and accept difference, the aim being to generate a climate of peaceful coexistence and harmonio...

Kuznetsov, Evgeny: Inventing and Reinventing European Defence: from EDC to MLF 
состояние: как новое 1700 руб
Kuznetsov, Evgeny
Inventing and Reinventing European Defence: from EDC to MLF
2007 г.; Изд-во: Florence: European University Institute
Thesis submitted for assessment with a view to obtaining the degree of Doctor of History and Civilization of the European University Institute. INTRODUCTION 1. FIRST ATTEMPTS OF MILITARY INTEGRATION. ATLANTIC AND EUROPEAN FRAMEWORKS 2. THE NUCL...

ред. Allen, Thomas B.; Hyman, Charles O.: We Americans. Celebrating a Nation, Its People, and Its Past 
состояние: новое 3500 руб
ред. Allen, Thomas B.; Hyman, Charles O.
We Americans. Celebrating a Nation, Its People, and Its Past
1999 г.; Изд-во: Washington: National Geographic
A compilation of archival photographs and text provides a look at life in the United States from its beginnings to the present, focusing on the people and the characteristics that make them uniquely American Includes index: The new land / Edmund S....

Gunny, Ahmad: Prophet Muhammad in French and English Literature: 1650 to the Present 
состояние: отличное 1800 руб
Gunny, Ahmad
Prophet Muhammad in French and English Literature: 1650 to the Present
2011 г.; Изд-во: The Islamic Foundation
Название книги: "Пророк Мухаммад во французской и английской литературе: с 1650 г. по настоящее время" "Gunny, a pioneer in the study of French and European literary and theological representations of Islam in the modern period, offers a survey of o...

Hodgson, Godfrey: America In Our Time: From World War II to Nixon What happened and why 
состояние: отличное 900 руб
Hodgson, Godfrey
America In Our Time: From World War II to Nixon What happened and why
1976 г.; Изд-во: New York: Vintage Books
America in Our Time is a history of the turbulent years between the end of World War II and the fall of Richard Nixon. Focusing on the 1960s, the book debunks some of the myths about that much misremembered decade. Godfrey Hodgson pioneers the idea tha...

Kontler, L.: Millennium in Central Europe: A History of Hungary 
состояние: новое 1200 руб
Kontler, L.
Millennium in Central Europe: A History of Hungary
1999 г.; Изд-во: Budapest: Atlantisz
Книга "Тысячелетие в центре Европы: История Венгрии" была написана по заказу издательства "Атлантис". Она рассчитана на зарубежных читателей, интересующихся историей Венгрии, но не являющихся профессиональными историками. Не обладая специальными знания...

ред. Cincotta, Howard: An Outline of American History - United States Information Agency Paperback 
состояние: отличное 490 руб
ред. Cincotta, Howard
An Outline of American History - United States Information Agency Paperback
1994 г.; Изд-во: United States Information Agency
An Outline of American History is one of the oldest continuing publications of the United States Information Agency (USIA). The first edition (1949-50) was produced under the editorship of Francis Whitney, first of the State Department Office of Intern...

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